Adopted into a Seneca Cayuga family in 1993, Marcine had no idea how the exposure to the culture would affect her life. There she found an epic story of compelling visuals she could not resist painting. However with the paintings came a story of an epoch of Peace that few had heard of, a story of three individuals who brought Peace to a world at war.
Let Marcine take you on a journey into the distant past through her paintings. An accomplished artist, she brings to life the ancient tales of the peoples who call themselves the Haudenosaunee, People of the Longhouse. We know them better as the Iroquois League of Nations.
“Thank you for your efforts to honor and uplift the work of the Peacemaker to establish a Peace that will prevail on earth. It is time to raise that legacy to a higher standard of global public visibility. Your art is a majestic vehicle to bring this about.”
—David Yarrow, Dancing Turtle, Defender of Mother Earth, Healer, Author, Dowser
“Marcine Quenzer is one of the best storytellers I have ever heard. Her knowledge of the Iroquoian people inspires, educates and entertains. She is a Master of her Art.”
—Curtis Harwell, CEO of Heaven on Earth Foundation
“Marcine Quenzer has the gift of the true Sachem for tuning into ancient cultures and bringing forward the wisdom and lessons of their natural spirituality so needed in these days.”
—Frank Jordan, Past President of National Dowsers Association, Healer, Author
Marcine Quenzer has brought to her book, Spirit Winds of Peace: Th e Epoch of the Peacemakers, the same beauty, eloquence and truth that she brought to the Peacemakers’ journey through her inspirational artwork. Her book does much to reveal this journey – a revelation that is so needed at this time to remind us that love is indeed the answer. Thank you, Marcine, for this gift to all humanity.
—Robert Roskind, author of “The Beauty Path: A Native American Journey into One Love”
“I immediately wanted to write text to your paintings that tell youth the stories that unite the separate images into an ongoing living legacy. The right words with your images will bring these stories alive for youth, and make them intimate with this lost legacy of human culture and divine spirit. Then I discovered you have a series of authentic texts by true authorities.”
—Ron Wahwassuck, Potawatamie, Prairie Band